
We have been out of touch, out of reach and otherwise occupied these last three weeks! Yikes, that is a long time to be away from our scheduled blog posts.  During those weeks, we packed up our belongings in St. Louis, sold and closed on our house, drove to Vermont to find our other property in Middlebury, (that we have rented to students for, ahem, 2o years), torn apart and well underway in the renovation process.  Then, we started all over again, packing, sorting and storing well loved items from our past as well as rethinking where new walls, windows and doors would go.  Next take furniture to our newly rented condominium in Boston. Whew. So, what does this all have to do with education? Ashley said, "Let's write a blog post about reconstructing thinking...and compare it to reconstructing our house." We could do that, and maybe we will, when we have time to think about it!  For now, we want to show you some photos of all this reconstruction in progress, just so you can get the picture of the creative process...tearing down the old to make way for the new.

We promise to back now more regularly, posting weekly.  And, we certainly wish you all a happy summer as the solstice is upon us and the days are long and hot.