Everything New


Welcome Yule! and Welcome almost New Year 2015! We are announcing four very new and very exciting events.  We have a NEW BABY! in the family.  Born on December 18 at 1 a.m. on her due date, the first girl in our immediate family to arrive in more years than we can count and we are thrilled. Delilah Mae Cadwell is now one week old.  We had such a blessed Christmas time with the new tiny one and her brother who is so lovely with her and her uncles and auntie and mother and father in Boston. We are truly grateful and enthralled.

cadwell collaborative asher and delilah

Secondly, we have a NEW WEBSITE! Go to http://cadwellcollaborative.com to see it. We are grateful to Penny Dullaghan for designing it and working so hard to make it beautiful and functional.  We are thrilled about this new turn of events. Please tell us what you think!


And then, we have a new BOOK! In the Spirit of the Studio, second edition is due to be published in March in time for the NAREA conference in NYC. The four editors, Lella Gandini, Lynn Hill, Charles Schwall and I are so pleased with the new book with a new cover, once again designed by Pam Bliss. Make sure to find it and read it. It is an updated, important and timely read.

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Finally, Ashley and I have a new HOUSE! We closed on a Boston condo on Halloween of this year and officially move in in two days, just in time for the new year.  We are thrilled about this move, this new second home in the city, that is very close to our new BABY, her brother and her family.  More soon on all of these announcements. IMG_1598


















In the meantime, we wish for you, wonderful things in store as we head into 2015, with hope, joy and renewed energy for our dedication to education, family, our earth and our lives here together.

We wish all of you the happiest of NEW YEARS!